
To learn more about our services, access records from a previous visit, schedule an appointment, and more,
please call us or visit the Blackhawk Health Center.

Address: 356110 E. 930 Rd, Stroud, Oklahoma

Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Main Phone: 918-968-9531

Medical Records Extensions: x3027, x3028, x3026

Fax Number: 866-499-8579

Make an Appointment

If you are a current patient, please call us to schedule an appointment. If you are not a patient yet, you must register before scheduling your first visit.

Patient Registration

To become a patient, please call us to schedule a registration appointment. The Blackhawk Health Center accepts any Native American patient who is a member of a federally recognized tribe, residing in our jurisdictional area.

When registering, please bring all necessary legal documentation, including proof of residence and affiliation. If you have any questions about our accepted patients, contact us.

Blackhawk staff on the phone

Release of Information

The Health Information Management (HIM) Department of the Sac and Fox Nation Blackhawk Health Center maintains the confidentiality, security, legibility, and accessibility of patient health records.

To request personal medical health records, the patient must complete a Medical Release of Information Form (available at the Health Center). For questions regarding the Release of Information, contact the HIM Department at 918-968-9531, x3028 or x3027.